Poignant Images from Ecuador

As we pack up our Ecuador equipment and look towards home, we will definitely miss the paddling!  As well will be some of the cultural differences found here, the most prominant being the politeness between both friends and strangers here in the country… And...

Cultural Immersion from a Different Perspective

Heading out to paddle/run trips in an international setting means bringing along a checklist that includes such things as learning the access points, watersheds (because if the river you were hoping to do is too high, what else is coming in), the language…and so on;...

Busy is the Operative Word for Rivers in Ecuador

Paddlers often feel more comfortable on  a new run when they have something to compare it to–a river they are familiar with.  When asked about the rivers in Ecuador, it can be  hard to come up with similar runs back home. If river in Ecuador could be summed up...