Team ERA is an awesome group of whitewater guides.� And if you check out our bios, it is pretty obvious that whitewater is our number one passion. But behind those helmets, pfd’s and sprayskirts is an interesting/eclectic/diverse group, a group that includes english/economics/biology/engineering/entrepeneurship/premed/geology/nursing/anthropology and ethnogeology majors…..complete with diverse backgrounds from lifetime river guides/military/construction/masonry/real estate/teaching/microbiology/food & beverage and hotel industry.

What brings us all together at the end of the day?� Blue grass music! Even if it is not our mutual first choice on the dial, it is when listening live because of our fellow guides Bradley and Issac–formerly Commonfolk, now part of the Freight Hoppers and the Barncats.� While Issac and Bradley may be good river guides, they are even better blue grass musicians!� And we love hearing them perform!

ERA Kids Enjoying the Freight Hoppers

ERA Kids Enjoying the Freight Hoppers