With school soon to be out, Max has found some time to play in his new Project X.  Here is his first impression:

Max making the moves in his Project X at the Nantahala Wave!

Max making the moves in his Project X at the Nantahala Wave!

“The Project X is just AMAZING!! You have the new white out outfitting which is ultra plush while being super grippy so you never slip forward or backward. Then you have the overall design of the boat which is AWESOME, you drop into a hole and bam you are doing a flat-spin without even thinking! Then it loops huge, I mean just huge! I have been paddling the Project 52 for the past summer and fall and it was a great boat but the amount of air you get from the X is just astounding!  I personally used to use an over-thruster in the 52 but when I got in the X I decided to try it without one and got more air than I have ever gotten. One of the big differences between the 52 and the X is the length, the X is a foot shorter! Which means the X loops faster and cartwheels cleaner, this shortness coupled with the extra volume in the knee area allows for gigantic loops that are super clean and lightning fast! So huge, clean, and quick that the boat makes a slapping sound when it is reentering the water. The Project X is so different that it is hard to describe, and the only true way to get the feeling is to get out there and paddle one for yourself!”